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Monica D. Higgins / Dream  / The 411 on Going Green

The 411 on Going Green

If you’re the kind of person who bikes to work or enjoys quiet weekends in mother nature, you may have considered “going green” in your home remodel. This can be a great option!  Going green is not only about giving you the warm-and-fuzzy feelings of helping preserve Planet Earth. It can also protect your health.

“But Monica! Isn’t going green expensive?” It can be, if you don’t play your cards right. Here are a few reasons your budget may thank you for going green in your remodel.

Going green to decrease costs

Although you’re probably thinking of the expenses for your remodel now, when planning your project you should also consider the cost for running your newly-remodeled home. For example, a low-flow toilet could save you much more money over time than it costs and the time it takes to realize the savings of passive solar lighting may far outweigh the cost of non-green alternatives. The point is to consider these type of alternatives to see if it makes sense for you and also remember that cost savings apply to the life of the appliance or the entire length of time you own the house, whichever comes first.

Using recycled or reclaimed materials can reduce costs, too. If you’re open to alternative building materials, upfront costs for recycled or reclaimed materials can be less. Before moving forward with these type pf materials, consider whether they will require any maintenance and how durable they are before they need to be replaced and calculate the cost of these considerations to decide if going green in this way makes sense.

Going green to increase incentives

Your local, state, and national governments may offer financial incentives or tax refunds if you choose green options for your home. Something as simple as choosing an energy-efficient appliance can save you hundreds of dollars!  Check with your local utility company or state to see if they offer financial incentives to choose appliances that reduce energy consumption, utilize green technology, save water, or improve heating/cooling efficiency. You may even be eligible for a tax break if you use recycled materials.

And don’t forget that some lenders may also provide incentive programs.  If push comes to shove and you think you may need to eliminate a green feature in your remodel, think it through before you make an official decision.  You’ll want to confirm whether eliminating a green feature compromises any funding or incentives you’ve counted on in your financing?

Lastly, if you want to go green, you’ll want to work with a contractor who has experience with green or recycled materials. Working with someone that is accredited or certified in green building techniques, like LEED or another well-respected, third-party program would be ideal because the requirements for obtaining an official green building designation shows a commitment to green building means and methods.

Monica D. Higgins

Monica previously helped people find new homes as a licensed real estate agent before she founded Renovation Planners, a construction management firm dedicated to helping homeowners avoid remodeling horror stories. Today, Monica is honored to share her knowledge of the construction industry in a variety of ways, so homeowners and industry pros alike can experience Remodel Success.

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